BlueSky Eagle Capital's service is a technical analysis recommendation that provides users with a proprietary methodology for analyzing the markets. All accuracy statistics above relate to our trading model. 80% statistical accuracy does not mean that 8 out of 10 trades are "winning" trades.
The trading model predicts whether the average of tomorrow's typical price and the day after tomorrow's typical price (both unknown at this time) will be higher or lower than the average of yesterday's typical price and the day before yesterday's typical price. This gives the expected trend direction for the next two days for each market.
Individuals may differ from other traders due to differences in trading style, financial market experience, trading expertise, financial and economic goals, risk propensity, risk capital, account size and number of contracts traded, which may produce different trading results.
Employees of BlueSky Eagle Capital (the "Company") contact traders on a daily basis who either ask for information about the Company, intermarket analysis, and BlueSky Eagle Capital, or who express an interest in intermarket analysis or BlueSky Eagle Capital when contacting Company employees. Calls and conversations with Company employees may be monitored or recorded for training and quality assurance purposes. In some instances, the Company may offer clients or other parties (including data vendors; competitors; authors/contributors of reviews and/or promotional or technical articles that mention, emphasize or advertise services and products offered by the Company; other parties who assist the Company in converting prospects to clients; and other parties who provide the Company with a "lead" or the name of an individual or trader who subsequently becomes a client of the Company) Product credits/rebates or payments (including referral fees) BlueSky Eagle Capital is affiliated with the Company through common ownership. All decisions made by the Company with respect to product credits/rebates or fees paid by the Company are final and at the Company's sole discretion. In certain circumstances, the Company may receive product credits/rebates or fees (including referral fees) from other parties (including data vendors, competitors, and other entities within the financial industry or other entities within the non-financial industry) that promote products and services that may be of interest and benefit to the Company's clients, and the Company will provide its clients with promotional information and details for which the Company may receive such product credits/discounts or fees. All decisions made by the Company with respect to the fees it charges are final and at its sole discretion.The customer testimonials in the BlueSky Eagle Capital videos represent each customer's personal experience and beliefs only. The Company does not pay any compensation to Clients for their testimony in the videos, other than reasonable travel expenses incurred by Clients to participate in the production of the videos. The firm is not affiliated with any brokerage firm and is not involved in trading, trade advice or account management as we are not a licensed registered broker-dealer. You must make your own trading decisions and work with your broker to establish specific trading guidelines.
The Company respects the privacy of its visitors and clients. The Company uses feedback forms as a tool to receive feedback from website visitors and to provide appropriate follow-up. This information is received by the webmaster and reviewed by the appropriate manager for response. The Company does not sell, rent or share with unaffiliated third parties any information or data obtained through the website. All information is for the sole use of the Company and its affiliates. Calls with the Company may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes.
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is made that any account will or is likely to realize profits or losses similar to the results shown. In fact, there are often significant differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are usually derived on the basis of an ex post analysis. In addition, hypothetical transactions do not involve financial risk and do not have an impact on future results.r
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